Embracing CareStack: Sixth Week Chronicles

Hari Krishnan U
2 min readAug 13, 2023

This week, it felt like the inevitable challenge I had been expecting in the technical arena finally arrived — yes, the complexity I knew was lurking showed up. We had our usual dose of training sessions: two Database Management Systems (DBMS) sessions, which I must admit felt quite familiar to me. However, that sense of ease and familiarity only lasted during the first days of the week. The real challenge began when we delve into the sessions about the Entity Framework. At first, I found myself struggling to understand the concepts. It’s funny how something can seem so daunting just because it’s new and unfamiliar. Yet, as I invested more time and effort into learning it, that sense of difficulty faded away. I realized that the mantra ‘everything is figure-outable’ is so true.

It’s been six weeks here at CareStack, and the truth hits me bluntly— I haven’t been making the progress I had hoped for in my fitness journey. If anything, it seems like I am moving in the wrong direction. The seductive lure of fast food has taken its toll. It’s clear that I need to be more intentional about my choices and keep a closer eye on my diet. Fitness is a goal that I’m committed to achieving, and it’s high time I start putting in the effort to turn things around.

I am enjoying the book “The Hard Thing About Hard Things”. Initially, I had expected a book full of self-help advice. However, to my surprise, the book has been mainly filled with the author’s personal stories from his entrepreneurial journey so far. But the “Hard Thing” about his stories would be making sense of the chaos, uncertainty, and pressure that come with running a business. Horowitz does not sugarcoat or glamorize the entrepreneurial journey, instead reveals the harsh realities and the difficult choices that he had to face as a founder and a CEO.

This week also witnessed discussions about the upcoming Onam events, which will be further revealed in the next blogs. This weekend might feel especially long, as we have a virtual session on Monday followed by a holiday. I am eagerly looking forward to seeing how the virtual session day unfolds.

